A man nursing a cup of coffee machine rental service coffee at a desk with a watch, a keyboard, and a blue notebook on it

Top Coffee Machine Rental Services in the USA

A fresh cup of coffee is an indispensable part of the morning routine for many, especially at the office. Commercial coffee machine rental services can drastically enhance the workplace atmosphere. Not only do they conveniently provide A-grade coffee, but they can also boost employee morale, fill the hallways with a welcoming fragrance, and save on unnecessary expenses. Let’s explore the world of top coffee machine rental services, beginning with why renting outdoes buying and then diving into a case study on the practical benefits of partnering with a leading coffee machine rental service like Spresco.

Comparing Renting vs. Buying Automatic Commercial Coffee Machines

Renting Automatic Commercial Coffee Machines


Generally, renting requires less upfront investment when compared to buying, making it easier for businesses to access high-quality coffee machines. When a company contracts with a coffee machine rental company, maintenance and repair services are often included in the monthly payments, reducing downtime and unexpected expenses. Businesses can also upgrade to the latest machine models when agreements are renewed without excessive incremental costs. And given that rental agreements are usually for the short-term, the service can be scaled up or down based on changing business needs.

BONUS Pro: You can benefit from discounts when you pair machine rental with coffee bean purchases from Spresco.


Coffee machine care costs can add up over time but can be kept relatively low with correct machine usage. Your business does not own the machine, meaning it must be returned at the end of the rental period. The terms of your rental contract are binding; it would be unfavorable for you – you could incur penalties – if you violate them.

Buying Automatic Commercial Coffee Machines


Buying a coffee machine means parting with a once-off payment to own it. It also allows you to customize the machine to suit your business’s needs.


Purchasing requires a substantial upfront payment, which can be an obstacle for some businesses. Since the machine belongs to you, you will be responsible for all maintenance and repair costs, which can be unpredictable and out-of-budget. In addition, the value of the machine depreciates over time, triggering more significant costs for replacement or upkeep.

When considering costs, regular maintenance, and variety, the advantages of renting automatic commercial coffee machines from expert coffee machine suppliers often outweigh the downsides, especially if you are unsure about the best option. Top coffee machine rental companies, such as Spresco, are a natural choice because they have already done the legwork for you. They are adequately equipped to guide you through the process of finding the perfect solution for your office, making it easier for you.

Case Study: How a Top Coffee Machine Rental Service Enhance the Office Environment of a Mid-sized Tech Company


A mid-sized tech company with 80 employees was facing issues with employee morale and productivity. The office environment was described as “cold,” with an unwelcoming canteen lacking in beverage options. The existing coffee machine was outdated and could only make filter coffee (that didn’t taste too great), causing frustration among employees. It also cost the company valuable work hours because employees would head to the local coffee shop at odd hours for a decent cup of coffee.


The company wanted to improve employee morale and productivity without a substantial upfront investment. They needed a reliable coffee solution that would cater to the diverse preferences of their staff and ensure consistent quality.


The company decided to rent an automatic commercial coffee machine from Spresco. The rental agreement included a state-of-the-art coffee machine capable of brewing various types of coffee, from espresso to cappuccino. The rental service also provided regular maintenance and the option to cancel within the first 30 days of the agreement.


  • 1. Installation – The plug-and-play coffee machine was installed in a central location within the office, making it easily accessible to all employees.
  • 2. Training – The rental service conducted a brief training session for a handful of employees, demonstrating how to use the machine and customize their drinks.
  • 3. Maintenance – The rental agreement included monthly maintenance checks and free repairs, ensuring the machine was always in top working condition.
  • 4. Constant Supply – A fresh supply of coffee beans was purchased and delivered regularly upon order by the office manager.


  • 1. Improved Morale – The availability of high-quality coffee options significantly boosted employee morale. The coffee machine became a popular gathering spot, fostering lively team meetings, improving both client relations and casual interactions as well as creating warmth in the canteen.
  • 2. Increased Productivity – Employees reported feeling more energized, cooperative, and focused after their coffee breaks. The reduction in downtime due to a reliable onsite coffee machine also contributed to overall productivity.
  • 3. Enhanced Operations – The hassle-free maintenance and repair service provided by Spresco meant that there were no disruptions in the coffee supply. The company could focus on its core operations without worrying about coffee machine issues.
  • 4. Cost-Effective – The rental model proved to be cost-effective, with predictable monthly expenses and no large upfront investment. The company could benefit from the finest coffee and access to the latest technology.

Automatic commercial espresso machine rental transformed the office environment of the tech company. It improved employee morale, increased productivity, and provided a cost-effective and hassle-free solution. This case study demonstrates how strategic investments in employee amenities can have a significant positive impact on workplace dynamics and operational efficiency.

In Summary

Choosing the right commercial coffee maker rental service can significantly enhance time spent at the office. Rental service offerings that deliver great coffee and dependable support are one of the best ways to transform the hospitality in your office for both regular users and guests. Weigh the options according to your office’s size, budget, and preferred coffee to make an informed choice. By choosing Spresco, you renovate your office space without a building contractor and benefit from exceptional service and support that makes your company a pleasant place to frequent. Contact us today.