Bean to cup Coffee machine pouring coffee into a white mug

Keeping Automatic Coffee Machines Clean

In the bustling rhythm of modern life, coffee has emerged as not just a beverage, but an experience that binds together tradition, flavor, and moments of quiet reflection. This rich experience has been further elevated by innovations like bean to cup coffee machines. Beyond just having these magnificent machines at our disposal, the true crux of the luxury lies in ensuring they work optimally for years to come. And this comes down to diligent maintenance and care.

The Importance of Regular Cleaning

Technological marvels such as the Spresco coffee machines are crafted with precision, and a promise to deliver consistently aromatic and flavorful brews. However, their true potential can only be realized through regular maintenance. Over prolonged usage, these machines can accumulate residues like oils from the coffee beans, leftover grounds, and mineral deposits from the water. If left unattended, these residues not only interfere with the machine’s mechanics but also tamper with the purity of the brew. Regular cleaning becomes paramount, not just to prolong the machine’s life but to ensure that each cup brewed remains a testament to coffee’s rich essence.

Step-by-step Cleaning Guide

  • Start with the Exterior: The aesthetic appeal of your coffee machine, its gleaming finish, and polished look are as important as its internal workings. Gently wiping its exterior surface with a soft cloth not only preserves its charm but also ensures the durability of the finishing materials. Keeping it free from dust and spills goes a long way.
  • Empty and Clean the Drip Tray: The drip tray might appear inconsequential, but it’s a hotspot for accumulating residues. Left unattended, it can not only overflow but also become a breeding ground for bacteria. Regularly emptying and sanitizing the tray ensures the machine’s hygiene and efficient functioning.
  • Clean the Coffee Grounds Bin: Coffee grounds have a propensity to attract moisture, which can subsequently lead to mold formation. Regularly emptying and cleaning this bin ensures that your coffee’s taste remains uncontaminated and the machine’s internal components remain free of clogs.
  • Rinse the Water Reservoir: This component is particularly prone to bacterial and mold growth, given its damp environment. To keep it pristine, adopt a daily routine of emptying and rinsing it out. Additionally, set aside a day every week for a thorough cleaning using mild detergents.

The Need for Descaling

Water, while essential for brewing, also brings minerals. Over time, these minerals can deposit in the machine’s interior, compromising its efficiency and altering the coffee’s taste. This makes the process of descaling your coffee machine indispensable. Descaling not only restores the taste of your brew but also rejuvenates the machine, extending its lifespan.

How Often Should You Descale?

Water quality varies across regions. If your area has hard water, laden with minerals, the need to descale becomes more frequent. As a thumb rule, targeting a descale every 1-3 months ensures optimal machine performance.

How to Descale:

  • Turn off Your Machine: As a first and crucial step, always ensure the machine is powered down. This precautionary measure eliminates any electrical risks.
  • Use the Right Descaler: While various household chemicals might offer a quick fix, they aren’t designed for coffee machines. Rely on recommended descalers to ensure safety and efficiency. Trusted brands, like Spresco, often provide clear guidelines on the best products for their machines.
  • Run the Descaling Solution: Introducing the solution into the water chamber and then initiating a brewing cycle ensures the descaling solution reaches every internal part. It’s imperative to rinse the machine thoroughly post-descaling to prevent any chemical aftertastes.

Tips for First-Time and Experienced Users

Embarking on the automatic coffee machine journey, be it as a beginner or as a seasoned coffee lover, has its learning curve. Here are some foundational and advanced tips:

  • Water Quality Matters: The importance of water in coffee brewing is profound. Switching to filtered water can drastically diminish mineral buildup inside the machine and often leads to a noticeably improved taste in the brew.
  • Update Your Knowledge: Technological advancements mean periodic updates. Regularly visiting the machine support page can arm you with newer maintenance techniques and tips, ensuring your machine’s prime health.
  • Avoid Leaving Water in the Reservoir Overnight: By ensuring it’s emptied daily, you substantially minimize chances of bacterial and mold infestations.
  • Replace Parts When Needed: Periodic evaluations of the machine’s components, like filters or seals, and timely replacements ensure a seamless brewing experience.


Coffee is a realm of flavors, aromas, and cherished moments. The machine you entrust with brewing this elixir plays a pivotal role in crafting these experiences. With diligent care, your coffee machine becomes more than just an appliance; it transforms into a cherished companion in your coffee journey.Thinking of optimizing your coffee rituals or seeking specialized guidance for your machine? Don’t hesitate. Reach out to Spresco and let’s elevate every coffee moment together.