espresso in cup on a saucer with a spoon

Exploring the Art of Espresso Making: Techniques and Tips

The Best Tips For Home Baristas

There’s nothing quite like a perfect espresso shot. The addictive fragrance, the intense flavor, and the silky crema on top create an experience that’s as satisfying as it is unique. For coffee aficionados keen to perfect their barista skills, understanding espresso making techniques can mean the difference between a flop and a win. Our team at Spresco are mad about coffee, so whether it’s offering coffee machine support or talking about the best beans in the USA… we’ve got something for you!

Breaking Down Espresso Making Techniques

Making an espresso involves a fair amount of science. Which is good, because there is comfort in predictability. But part of the charm of the hobby of coffee is its art. Start with a deep understanding of your beans. Consider the variety, the roast, the freshness when selecting coffee beans. Then comes grinding, dosing, and tamping, all the way to extraction and milk texturing.

The Grind: First Step to the Perfect Espresso Shot

Grinding your coffee correctly is the first step to success in achieving the perfect espresso shot. The grind size should be fine but not too fine. If your grind is too coarse, the water will passes through too quickly. This results in a weak, under-extracted espresso that’ll look more like tea than coffee. Conversely, if it’s too fine, water will struggle to get through. Think of Turkish coffee where the grind is as fine as baby powder. If you try extract an espresso with that, you’ll land up with over-extracted and bitter coffee. The ideal grind should feel like fine sand.

Precise Dosing and Tamping is Key

After grinding comes dosing. This is the coffee lingo for measuring the right amount of coffee. The standard dose for a double shot of espresso is between 18-20g. However, the precise amount can vary based on your specific coffee machine and the kind of roast you’re using.

When you’re tamping, the goal is to press the coffee grounds into the portafilter using a tamper. You need an even, firm bed of coffee for the water to pass through. When done correctly, tamping ensures that water doesn’t channel through the coffee, which can cause under-extraction.

Extraction: The Make or Break Moment

Extraction refers to the process of hot water dissolving the flavorsome compounds in your coffee grounds. This is where the magic happens, and your perfect espresso shot comes to life. Ideal extraction time for a double shot is typically between 25-30 seconds. But remember, you’re aiming for the sweet spot between under-extraction and over-extraction.

Milk Texturing: The Velvet Touch

For milk-based espresso drinks like lattes and cappuccinos, milk texturing, or frothing, is a vital skill. The objective is to create microfoam, a velvety mix of heated milk and fine bubbles that adds sweetness and texture to your drink.

Barista Tips: Learning from the Pros

While there are general guidelines you can follow, remember that espresso brewing is a highly personal process. Don’t be afraid to experiment! Find what works for you. As renowned baristas on social media advise, don’t forget the importance of understanding each element of coffee-making. Small changes in grind size, dose, or extraction time can significantly alter the taste of your espresso. From the beans to the milk, temperature, and pouring techniques… it all matters. It’s about learning, adapting, and constantly striving for that perfect shot. A lot of people just go through the motions without realising how every little thing affects the cup in the end. 

Bringing the Art Home with Spresco’s Automatic Coffee Machines

Mastering espresso making techniques is a thrilling and continuous journey. But let’s face it, not everyone has the time or the resources to become a home barista. But we’ve got good news! Getting a barista approved coffee doesn’t have to be that complicated. In fact, with coffee machines to rent or buy from Spresco, you can make barista-quality espresso at the touch of a button.

Automatic coffee machines provide the convenience of effortlessly brewing a perfect espresso shot. These machines control the grind, dose, tamp, and extraction, ensuring consistency and quality every time. They also offer a variety of customisable features, like beverage type, coffee strength, water quantity, and even temperature control.

But perhaps the most appealing aspect is their user-friendly nature. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee lover or a novice, these machines offer a seamless, hassle-free brewing experience. You can create a coffee masterpiece without needing advanced barista skills.

Moreover, Spresco provides flexible rental options for coffee machines and easy installation. We ensure that your machine is ready to brew as soon as it arrives, along with a dedicated support team to help you every step of the way.


We hope that you are inspired to perfect your espresso making techniques at home. There is always something for a coffee enthusiast to learn whether you’ve just started out or a caffeine veteran. When you need the expertly made coffee without the trial and error, Spresco’s automatic coffee machines mean the art of espresso making is right at your fingertips. So why wait? Revolutionize your home coffee experience with Spresco. It’s the art of making a perfect espresso shot, simplified. Contact us for your coffee machine quote now!