pouring a flat white coffee

Exploring Coffee Culture Around The World

Coffee, far more than just a beverage, has captivated the hearts of countless people worldwide. It represents heritage and lifestyle for millions of enthusiasts. For Spresco, we love to bring you the best coffee machines so that you can enjoy coffee just the way you like it. Try renting a coffee machine today!

From its ancient roots as a stimulant to its integral role in daily routines, coffee has evolved into a regional art form, offering a delightful array of flavors, preparation methods, and presentation styles. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the captivating world of coffee. We’ll delve into the most popular coffee drinks, uncover the rich history behind this beloved drink, and discover the diverse range of coffee varieties available today. 

Most popular coffee drinks around the globe

Coffee is a big and varied industry, with countless varieties and preparation methods to suit individual preferences. Some of the world’s most well-known coffee beverages have achieved legendary status. Espresso is the world’s favorite coffee beverage. With its roots grounded in Italy, espresso may be found at cafés and coffee shops all over the world. Many people drink it straight, but it’s also used to make various coffee beverages. An additional Italian treat, cappuccino, consists of equal parts espresso, steamed milk, and foam. With its cozy combination of espresso and steamed milk, the Latte is also fan favorite among coffee drinkers.

Combining hot water with espresso creates an americano, an Italian coffee drink. Amaricano is prepared differently from regular coffee because hot water is boiled separately and then spilled over the espresso shot to dilute it. The resulting brew lacks the intensity of traditional espresso but retains all of that drink’s taste. On the other side of the world, the smooth thin foam over a double espresso makes the Flat White so popular in Australia.

The Vietnamese bring us to their specialty, Vietnamese Egg Coffee, a rich and sweet delight made with coffee, condensed milk, and egg yolks. Meanwhile, a summertime favorite in Japan is Japanese Iced Coffee, made by pouring regular coffee over ice. Turkish coffee is made by brewing extra-finely ground roasted coffee beans with cold water in a conventional coffee pot called cezve or ibrik till bubbly and on the brink of boiling. The Turks have been credited with developing the technique to brew Turkish coffee, which sets it apart from other varieties. 

Diverse coffee traditions 

Coffee’s significance surpasses that of a mere drink; it holds a vital role in cultural customs and traditions across the globe. Its journey begins with cultivation, where various techniques impact its final taste. From Ethiopia’s lush plantations to Colombia’s vast fields and Costa Rica’s high-altitude farms, each location contributes to a unique flavor profile.

The flavor of coffee is heavily influenced by both how it was harvested and how it was processed. Both the natural-dry and the washed-wet processes provide different flavors, although these are the two most common ways. Coffee bean roasting is a delicate art that calls for experience and skill. Light, medium, and dark roasts give a range of tastes, from light and acidic to strong and smokey, in order to please various taste buds.

Brewing practices also play an important part in coffee heritage. Coffee is uniquely positioned in community events, festivals, and ceremonies, from the elaborate rituals associated with conventional Turkish coffee preparation to the captivating dance of a barista making a latte art masterpiece.

Types of coffee beverages that satisfy any taste

Coffee lovers have a wide range of beverages to enjoy, prepared in different ways. A bean-to-cup coffee machine offers aficionados the chance to explore a myriad of brews. Espresso, the intense heart of many beverages, can be freshly extracted. Lattes combine espresso with steamed milk for a creamy delight. For those seeking depth, Americanos dilute espresso for a fuller cup. Cappuccinos offer a balance of frothy milk atop a strong shot. Lastly, Flat Whites provide a velvety milk consistency, melding seamlessly with espresso.

Types of coffee machines: Brewing perfection

With the rise of numerous coffee makers, brewing a delicious cup of coffee at home has never been more convenient. Brewing coffee with a drip coffee maker is the traditional method in many homes because it is simple and easy to use. Espresso machines allow you to create specialty beverages like cappuccinos, lattes, and espressos with the skill of a professional barista.

Pod-based machines have become more popular to make coffee rapidly and easily, with a variety of coffee capsules available to suit a wide range of preferences. Making cold brew concentrate at home using a Cold Brew Maker is easy, and you can adjust the intensity to your satisfaction.


Coffee’s allure stems from the fact that it has been around for a long time and may be expressed in countless ways. Each type of coffee drink reflects a different ethnic custom. As it has done for centuries, coffee continues bringing people together across national boundaries and cultural divides while enhancing our lives with its intoxicating scent. If you’re a coffee connoisseur, then your search ends with Spresco. We supply bean-to-cup coffee machines and other coffee services for commercial settings. Our coffee machine renting options are cost-effective!