Paper cups and a home coffee machine in the background

Difference Between home and Commercial Coffee Machines

Loved by many, espresso holds a special place in our hearts and minds. In fact, having no coffee in any workplace should be considered a crime. Why? Because it kills productivity. A recent survey conducted in the US shows that 73% of the population can’t go a day without coffee, sparking a cultural revolution in offices by bringing together employees to savor their favorite cup of espresso. This love for espresso has been taken one step further with the variety of affordable coffee machines that make it possible to have professional-quality coffee at the workplace.

However, some people think that home coffee machines can be used to operate a coffee shop. Hence, it is important to know the differences between home and commercial coffee machines. But why is that? In what ways do they differ from each other? Let’s discuss these questions in detail and bring clarity.

Build Variety

Office espresso machines are fundamentally different from commercial machines in their build and components. Home coffee machines usually have a light and delicate body, a standard-capacity boiler, and a pump with a lower tolerance for heavy-duty use. They also consume less power. On the other hand, commercial coffee machines are built from sturdy materials like stainless steel, with large-capacity boilers and multi-headed brewing stations. These machines require more power and are designed to remain stationary, unlike the portable nature of home machines.

Volume Brewed

Another key difference between home and commercial coffee machines is the volume of coffee they can brew. While a home machine can easily satisfy your daily coffee needs, which are roughly 10–150 cups, it cannot match the output of commercial machines that brew hundreds of cups daily. Using a home machine in a commercial setup means you’ll likely need to replace it frequently due to wear and tear.

Home Coffee Machines

Home coffee machines are specifically created with the intent of being used in a home setting. Usually, fewer than six individuals utilize them simultaneously on any given day, primarily during peak household hours like the morning or late evening. These machines are meant to complement a day-to-day lifestyle and make it easier to entertain if you have visitors at home. These machines should offer a variety of hot beverages, giving you plenty of options for different situations. You might also desire a coffee maker that provides the flexibility to customize each cup to your preferred specifications.

Office Coffee Machines

In a small business setting, office coffee machines usually need to produce large amounts of coffee since they will be used by 25 to 50 people multiple times daily. These machines deliver superior results compared to home machines and must be able to endure frequent use. Consider the size of the water tank, the number of cups of coffee produced per hour, and the sustainability of the machine in terms of its features. Purchasing a high-end office machine is pointless if no one can comprehend its operation. Keep things simple, but also consider your budget.

Commercial Coffee Machines

Commercial coffee machines are typically seen in establishments such as restaurants, bars, and hotels that offer hot beverages. These machines are frequently costly, have the capability to generate exceptionally high output figures, and usually need an operator or a barista for maintenance. These machines are a substantial investment for small businesses and the lifeblood of their day-to-day operations. Investing in a commercial machine can lead to continued returns by attracting repeat customers, making it important to ensure proper training for whoever is in charge of operating it.

Getting Your Hands on a New Coffee Machine

If you’re seeking a home, office, or commercial device, receiving guidance from experienced individuals is crucial before making a purchase. Spresco is a leader in the coffee machine field. We offer new models and rentals across two types of coffee machines. If you’re wondering about the best fit for your situation, inquire with us about a recommendation and an objective idea of the brand and model that may work best for you. You might even wind up keeping some extra cash along the way! Here’s to many more years of enjoying coffee ahead.


So now you know that every machine has its place. Espresso machines are recommended for home settings such as offices or homes, while commercial machines are built for coffee shops. Substituting one for the other is not advisable and can lead to operational problems. At Spresco, we specialize in providing high-quality home coffee machines. Our machines are perfect for brewing café-quality coffee in the comfort of your office. Remember, the right machine for the right setting makes all the difference. Enjoy your coffee where it belongs—that is, at the office with Spresco.