Comparison between Jura S8 and Jura WE8 automatic coffee machine

Caffeine Showdown: Jura S8 vs WE8

More than 2 billion cups of coffee are consumed every day around the world? Now that’s a wake up call! Today, we bring you the ultimate caffeine showdown – Jura S8 vs WE8. 

Grab your mug, settle into your favourite coffee nook, and let’s pour over the specifics of these espresso powerhouses.

Jura S8: A Symphony of Sips

Let’s take a look at this: a coffee virtuoso that consistently brews smooth, full-bodied espresso with microfoam that’s practically a latte art canvas. The Jura S8 doesn’t just grind beans; it orchestrates a tasty harmony with its 15 one-touch beverages. Perfect for a daily dose of joy for 2-3 coffee comrades.

Jura WE8: Bold, Beautiful Brews

For those who prefer their coffee on the bold side, enter the Jura WE8 – the coffee machine with a bolder, somewhat bitter edge. A fantastic choice for sharing your espresso journey with an additional two to three coffee enthusiasts. Get ready for a flavour expedition!

Jura S8 vs WE8: A Sip-by-Sip Showdown

Now, let’s dive deeper into the heart of the battle, where each sip tells a story of craftsmanship and technology.

Grinder – The Grind Showdown

In the left corner, we have the Jura S8 flaunting its Aroma G3 Multi-Stage Grinder – seven grind settings, finesse from fine to coarse, and a jam-avoidance feature. It’s like the ninja of grinders. On the right, the Jura WE8 coffee machine has its Aroma G3 grinder – six grind settings, a decent variety, but perhaps not as ninja-like as its counterpart. 

Heating System – The Heat Wave

There are some notable differences between their heating systems, but both use Thermoblock boilers.

In the heat wave arena, the Jura S8 coffee machine takes the lead with superior temperature control, hitting the optimal range between 180 and 190 degrees F. It’s like having a temperature maestro ensuring every brew is a masterpiece. Yes, it’s a tad slower to heat, but blame it on the larger water tank. The WE8, on the other hand, reaches a respectable 170–175 degrees F faster. Quick and hot – a morning dream for those in a rush.

Brewing System – The Espresso Extravaganza

Both contenders bring their A-game with the Intelligent Pre-Brewing Aroma System and the Pulse Extraction Process. It’s not just espresso; it’s an extravaganza of aromas and pulsating goodness. The S8 adds a touch of flair with 10 lighting levels for customization, while the WE8 delivers a strong performance with eight strength settings and temperature options. It’s like having your espresso tailor-fitted to your taste buds.

Milk System – The Froth Fandango

In the frothy corner, it’s a tie! Both the Jura S8 and WE8 showcase steam and foam milk systems that could rival a barista’s artistry. Adjusting pause time, creating layers – it’s a froth fandango. The S8 adds a dash of extra flair, allowing you to tweak milk foam consistency. On the flip side, the WE8 consistently delivers a smooth and velvety froth. It’s like having your latte and drinking it too!

Design & Convenience

Now, let’s step into the world of espresso elegance as we explore the design and convenience features of the Jura S8 and WE8. Discover more about their design elements and convenience at Spresco Machine Support.

Dimensions and Weight – Espresso Elves

In the size and weight class, both contenders are like espresso elves – compact and lightweight. The Jura S8 measures 12.7 x 20.1 x 16.7 inches, weighing in at a sleek 20 pounds. Its counterpart, the Jura WE8, is equally nimble, with dimensions of 17.5 x 11.6 x 16.5 inches and a weight of 22.1 pounds. Around 11 inches in width, 13.4 inches in depth, and 17.3 inches in height, they’re the superheroes of kitchen counters. 

Capacity – A Tank of Possibilities

The S8 comes with a 64-ounce water tank – a dependable reservoir for most households. On the flip side, the WE8 boasts a massive 101-ounce tank – a reservoir for the ambitious coffee connoisseur. It’s like choosing between a reliable sip and a reservoir of endless possibilities.


In this caffeine showdown, the Jura S8 and WE8 stand tall, each offering its unique flavourful punch. The S8 takes the lead in grind settings, temperature control, and customization – a top pick for those who appreciate  a finely tuned espresso experience. If you’re eyeing the Jura WE8, with its bold and beautiful brews, it might just be the perfect companion for your daily coffee escapades. Contact us today to embark on your coffee journey with the perfect brew buddy by your side.