Two collegues having a friendly conversation over coffee in the office

Beginner’s Guide To Office Coffee Machines

Let’s be honest, while most office coffee machines come with user manuals, they often fall short of revealing the real secrets to that highly anticipated cup of joe. So, where do you turn for those insider tips and tricks? You’re in luck because you’ve landed at Spresco–exactly where you need to be. It could be that you’re the newest hire or a seasoned veteran facing a new but confusing coffee machine. Our guide goes beyond the basic manual. We’re here to demystify the machine’s workings and share those coveted tips and tricks to help you master your daily office coffee dose.

How to Use Coffee Machine in Office

Understanding how to operate a coffee machine in the office is the key to a productive day and essential if you’re new to an office environment with a modern coffee setup. Seeing that most workplaces rent automatic office coffee machines, this guide will walk you through the key points: drink selections, operating the machine, and cleaning and maintaining it.

  • Drinks Selection

Office coffee machines like our Jura devices are fully automatic, they feature a bean-to-cup system making use of fresh coffee beans, grind them on demand, and brew your coffee with hot water, all within the machine.

  • Check the drink selection menu

This could be a touchscreen on high-end models or buttons on more basic ones. Know what beverage you’d like.

  • Make your selection

Choose your desired drink by pressing the corresponding button or touchscreen option. Options may include a variety of black coffees, milk-based coffees, and sometimes even hot chocolate.

Operating The Office Coffee Machine: Some Manual Actions Required

Even fully automatic coffee machines require certain manual tasks for a smooth operation  experience and maintenance. To begin with, position your coffee cup or a disposable one at the dispenser outlet, ready to collect your freshly brewed beverage. Be sure that your coffee flows directly into the cup without spillage or waste.

If you love your coffee with added milk, the approach varies depending on the machine’s design and age. Modern coffee machines like Spresco’s Jura feature integrated systems that automatically combine milk with coffee, thanks to a milk chiller connected by a tube for seamless milk addition. Older models without such luxuries require manual intervention. This could mean adding milk manually. This step adds a layer of customization to your coffee and brings a traditional touch to the coffee-making process, blending the old with the new.

Maintaining the cleanliness and functionality of the coffee machine is equally crucial, for both automated and manual devices. While general cleaning might be handled by office cleaners, specific tasks such as emptying the drip tray, disposing of the coffee grind from bean-to-cup machines, and running the end-of-day cleaning cycle fall to the machine’s users.

These maintenance tasks are vital for preventing overflow, avoiding clogging, and ensuring the machine remains in optimal condition, ready to deliver high-quality coffee day after day. Modern machines have made these processes more straightforward, typically requiring just the press of a button to initiate the cleaning cycle, thereby simplifying the maintenance routine and ensuring the longevity of the machine. 

Automatic Coffee Machine For Office

Espresso machines are the most common because they offer more drink options from espresso, lattes, and cappuccinos, offering the versatility to satisfy those with a penchant for specialty coffees. For those who appreciate the craft of coffee making and desire fuller flavors, a French press provides a manual approach that can enhance the coffee-drinking experience. Selecting the best office coffee machine involves balancing these options to suit the unique blend of preferences in your office.

Automatic coffee machine for office should meet everyone’s needs, considering the diverse tastes and preferences of its users. Drip coffee makers are an excellent choice for environments with high coffee consumption, as they keep coffee warm and ready for extended periods. Single-serve coffee makers cater to individual preferences by offering customized beverages, one cup at a time, making them ideal for a varied palate.

Factors to Consider When Choosing The Best Office Coffee Machine

Considering the machine’s capacity and speed, its output should match your office’s demand for coffee throughout the day. Have a balance between variety and simplicity; the ideal machine should offer a wide range of beverages while remaining user-friendly. Jura office coffee machines excel well at this. maintenance and size are other significant considerations, go for a coffee machine that is straightforward to clean and occupies an appropriate amount of space within your office environment. 

Finally your choice should align with your office’s financial constraints, taking into account both the initial purchase price and ongoing maintenance costs. Office coffee machine rental is the most cost effective way.


Mastering the use of office coffee machines can increase productivity and the quality of coffee breaks, turning them into moments of enjoyment and interaction. Rent the right office coffee machine and follow a thoughtful brewing process, to create an environment that values quality, convenience, and community. Embrace the journey towards better office coffee with enthusiasm, and let every cup bring a moment of pleasure and a spark of productivity to your day.