A white keyboard with a green rent button in the middle

Top 5 Benefits of Renting vs. Buying an Espresso Machine

We often get asked by clients whether it’s better to rent or buy a coffee machine. The answer, like the perfect cup of coffee, depends on your personal taste—especially your budget and your desire to manage the machine long-term. While owning a coffee machine gives you full control over every drop, it’s worth considering the perks of renting before making your decision. Below, we’ve brewed up 5 key reasons why renting an espresso machine might just be the perfect blend than buying an espresso machine for your business.

Why Rent A Coffee Machine?

Enjoy The Perks Without The Pressure

Running a business is already a grind, so why add coffee machine ownership to your daily list of responsibilities? Renting an espresso machine lets you enjoy all the benefits without the headaches of possession—no need for capex approvals, no repair bills, and no worries about audits. When you rent, all you need to do is agree on the monthly fee and enjoy the java. The rest? That’s a latte less stress for you.

Did you know that renting a coffee machine for business use is tax-deductible? That’s right—it’s a legitimate business expense. So while you’ll still have to cover the rental cost, you can think of it as a little tax relief with every sip. Plus, providing great coffee is a surefire way to perk up your staff’s day—and maybe even their productivity. It’s a bean counter’s dream!

Flexibility To Upgrade Or Downgrade

As your business grows, your coffee needs might change. Renting an espresso machine gives you the flexibility to upgrade to a bigger machine or switch to smaller ones as your team expands or relocates. A good supplier will have a variety of options to suit your needs, and they’ll be more than happy to swap machines to keep your team caffeinated and satisfied. After all, who wants to be stuck with a machine that’s past its brew date?

When renting an espresso machine, you gain control over your coffee costs. You can work with your supplier to get ingredients at bulk prices. This not only keeps costs in check but also ensures that your team enjoys their coffee without waste or misuse. Think of it as keeping your budget as smooth as a perfectly steamed latte.

Bring Your Team Back To The Office

Post-pandemic, getting everyone back in the office can be a challenge. But offering high-quality coffee could be the secret weapon you need. Modern machines can deliver café-quality coffee at the push of a button, making the office a more enticing place to be. Renting gives you the freedom to decide how many machines you need and for how long, ensuring your team stays energized and engaged. It’s the perfect way to espresso your appreciation for them.

There’s no denying the power of a good cup of coffee to lift your spirits and sharpen your focus. Renting a coffee machine ensures your team has access to that caffeine boost whenever they need it, whether it’s to kickstart their morning or power through the afternoon slump. It’s a simple way to keep productivity brewing all day long. After all, a team fueled by coffee is a team that’s ready to grind.

Keep Staff Happy And On-Site

Quality coffee is a big deal for many people. If your office coffee setup is subpar, don’t be surprised if your team starts making regular trips to the local coffee shop. By renting a top-notch machine, you can offer coffee that’s good enough to keep them in the office, reducing downtime and increasing focus. Because let’s be honest, no one wants to be stuck in line when they could be enjoying a freshly brewed cup right at their desk.

Investing in good coffee shows your team that you value them. While you might not be able to offer every benefit under the sun, providing great coffee is an affordable way to create a positive work environment. When employees see that management cares enough to offer perks like quality coffee, they’re more likely to go the extra mile. It’s a little pick-me-up that goes a long way.

Cut Costs, Not Corners

Renting a coffee machine can actually be more cost-effective than you think. Since everything is included in the machine, there’s no temptation for staff to sneak extras like sugar or milk, reducing waste. Plus, modern machines allow for some customization, so your team can still enjoy their coffee just the way they like it. It’s like getting the best of both brews—quality and savings.

Conclusion: Get Faster Service From Your Rental Company

Here’s a final perk that might just seal the deal: when your rented coffee machine needs maintenance, you can expect speedy service. Rental companies have a vested interest in keeping their machines in top condition, so they’re quick to send a technician for routine checks or urgent repairs. This means less downtime for your coffee machine and more uptime for your team. Because let’s face it—a day without coffee is a day that’s just not percolating.So, there you have it—5 compelling reasons to consider renting a coffee machine. Whether you decide to rent or buy, it’s clear that both options have their perks. But when it comes to hassle-free, cost-effective coffee solutions, renting might just be the perfect blend for your business. Rent an espresso machine with Spresco today and sip all the discussed benefits.