Three glasses of Irish coffee, on a wooden board with coffee beans scattered around, and a bottle of whiskey in the background.

How To Make An Irish Coffee

Like the rolling green hills of Ireland and the spirited tunes that fill its pubs, Irish coffee is a true emblem of Irish heritage. Born on a blustery night in 1942 at Foynes Airport, this warm, whiskey-infused concoction has warmed many since. Created by chef Joe Sheridan to comfort weary, cold travelers, its creation was a spark of genius—combining rich coffee with smooth Irish whiskey and topped with a gentle layer of cream. It’s said that upon first tasting, a curious passenger inquired if they were sipping Brazilian coffee, prompting Sheridan’s memorable retort: “No, it’s Irish coffee!”

This heartwarming beverage not only brings warmth but also carries a rich narrative that transcends its simple ingredients. As it crossed oceans from Ireland to North America, specifically San Francisco, it became a symbol of hospitality and innovation. Here’s how you can recreate this beloved cocktail by weaving tradition with your personal touch at the office with your coffee machine.

The Essential Ingredients for Crafting Irish Coffee

Irish whiskey, preferably Jameson 12-year-old, is celebrated for its smoothness.

Freshly brewed coffee, a robust press pot brew to complement the whiskey.

Brown sugar adds a hint of sweetness that enhances the whiskey’s warmth.

Heavy cream, freshly whipped to a soft peak, crowns the drink with a rich texture. Find informative coffee-making videos on our Spresco Academy page.

A Step-by-Step Guide to the Perfect Irish Coffee

Step 1: Preparing the glass

Start with the right glass—an Irish coffee glass, sturdy with a handle, essential for the hot contents it will hold. Preheat it with hot water to ensure your drink stays warm longer.

Step 2: Brewing the coffee

The coffee should be as strong as the Irish spirit—full-bodied and bold. Using a press pot not only honors the traditional method but also extracts deep flavors that stand up to the whiskey.

Step 3: Whipping the cream

While electric whippers might seem convenient, hand-whipping the cream is where the magic happens. It allows you to achieve the perfect consistency—thick yet pourable, so it gently floats atop the coffee rather than sinking.

Step 4: Assembling the drink

First, pour an ounce of Irish whiskey into your preheated glass. Stir in two teaspoons of brown sugar until fully dissolved. This not only sweetens your drink but also helps to meld the flavors of the whiskey and coffee. Next, carefully pour in the coffee, leaving about a half-inch of space for the cream.

Step 5: Adding the cream

This is where your skill comes in. Slowly spoon the whipped cream over the back of a spoon to rest on top of the coffee. The cream should be just stiff enough to float gracefully. This method, renowned in San Francisco, ensures a beautiful layering of hot and cool, much like the contrasting landscapes of Ireland.

Step 6: Savoring the Experience

Drink your Irish coffee as it was intended—sipped through the creamy top layer, allowing the hot coffee to blend with the cool cream and whiskey in each draw. It’s not just a drink; it’s an experience, a taste of Irish hospitality.

The Cultural Journey of Irish Coffee

The Irish coffee’s tale is as rich as its flavor. From its humble beginnings at Foynes Airport to its transatlantic leap to the American shores, particularly in San Francisco, the drink has become a staple in coffee and cocktail culture alike. The challenge of perfecting the floating cream led to a pilgrimage back to Ireland, tying the new world with the old in a delicious swirl of coffee and cream.

Conclusion: More Than Just a Coffee

Creating the perfect Irish coffee is akin to composing a melody, where each note must harmonize perfectly. It’s about more than just mixing ingredients; it’s about channeling the spirit of Ireland with every pour, stir, and sip. As you enjoy your Irish coffee, remember its storied past and the joy it has brought to chilly travelers and cozy gatherings alike. So here’s to Joe Sheridan, to Ireland, and to a beautifully crafted beverage that continues to bring smiles and warmth around the world. Make the best Irish coffee today, with the best coffee machines.